Thursday, October 13, 2016

Seurat Sunflowers

Forgot to post this lesson from last spring- found the photos as I was deleting old images from my camera. 1st graders learned about painter Georges Seurat through a short cartoon. I happen to travel to the Chicago Art Institute while doing this lesson so I was able to photograph some of his paintings while there to show my classes as well. They learned how to paint in the pointillism style. To achieve this, I had them use cotton swabs and the back ends of various size paint brushes. It took awhile, but was a nice end of the year lesson.

Geometric Cats

In Art class, first graders studied shapes and learned the difference between geometric and free-form shapes. Geometric shapes are math shapes, such as circles, triangles, rectangles or squares. Free-form shapes are shapes that are uneven and not regular and often made up by the artist, like the shape of a leaf or cloud. Students each created a cat using only geometric shapes. This project was also great for first graders to work on their basic art skills of using scissors safely, cutting, and gluing! Way to go first grade artists!

Learning Targets:
I can hold my scissors correctly and safely.
I can cut in a straight line with no jagged edges.
I can use the correct amount of glue.

I can make sure all pieces of paper are glued down flat.

Pumpkin Mosaics

2nd graders learned about the warm and cool colors of the color wheel. They used warm and cool colors to paint paper that was then used to create jack o’ lantern mosaics. We discussed that mosaics are a picture or pattern produced by arranging together small colored pieces of hard material, such as stone, tile, or glass. We created paper mosaics. Students paid close attention to leave space around all the colored shapes they glued to create the mosaic look. We reviewed gluing and cutting skills/ expectations as well. Learning targets for this project were:

  • I can control my paintbrush.
  • I can use my scissors safely.
  • I can use the correct amount of glue.
  • I can glue my papers flat.
  • I can create a mosaic.

Collaborative Beginning of the Year Keith Haring Paintings

First and second graders looked at Keith Haring's website under the kids section to learn facts about his life and work as an artist. The first graders traced each other's bodies and worked in small groups of 4 or 5 to paint in the figure. The second graders were responsible for outlining the figures in black and adding the painted black lines and shapes in the backgrounds. This was a great one day lesson for the first week back in art:)

**Thanks to Leah at What's Happening in the Art Room for the great idea!!**